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Aura Cleansing and Healing

Aura cleansing and healing is a very effective way to start a new chapter in your life. With the help of our experts, you can benefit from a range of effective techniques to bring body and mind into balance.

Humans have been sensing the aura, or energy fields, around other humans since ancient times.


The concept is reflected in the halos you see in artistic representations of Jesus and various Christian saints, in the Indian concept of prana, or the vital energy of a person, and in the concept of chi in schools of Chinese philosophy.

There are countless names for the aura, but its meaning remains much the same: the aura represents the state not only of the physical body but also of the mind.
It can give information about past (even past lives), present and future as everything is imprinted on the subtle bodies of man .

Are there "good" and "bad" auras?

Auras are never absolutely good or absolutely bad

There may be issues that have not been resolved, which are held within the energy fields and which can deplete our energy and create a blockage in the flow of energy .

A healthy aura is often vibrant and dynamic.
The aura is the first line of one's energy defense, so for it to function and shield itself effectively it is important that there are no rifts or leaks etc.

So if you're facing:

Emotional or mental difficulties (anxiety, anger, unresolved conflicts)

Barriers in your relationships

difficulties of a professional nature

Stagnation - isolation, lack of sociability

Poor or vulnerable health

Psychological attacks


Accidents - events causing shock - emotional or physical stress

Then it's time to find out what causes all these and how to get rid of them!




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